Ashford Athletic Club is managed by an executive committee the members of which are listed below.
The Chair and Vice-Chair are elected from the members of the executive committee.
The executive committee is supported by the operational team. The operational team consists of team managers from the various leagues, the schools liaison member, the coaching co-ordinator and the development officer. The club chair and vice-chair are also considered to be part of the support team. The operational team feeds information and requests to the executive via their respective representative on the executive committee.
The executive Committee meets at least monthly.
Please contact your team manager or coach in the first instance if you have any issues which affect the club’s performance or structure. If you feel your concerns are not being properly addressed, please contact a member of the executive committee.
Kate Dickinson
Responsibilities: Membership Secretary, Website Administration
Pete Le Rossignol
Responsibilities: Vice Chair Virtual 10k Race Coordinator
Donna Parrott
Responsibilities: Honorary Secretary, Coach Liaison